National Snakebite Initiative

Alleviating Rural Crisis & Farmer Tragedy

National Snakebite Initiative Fights Snakebite at the High-Risk Rural communities, Addressing the Farmer Crisis, with Direct impact Comprehensive solutions, positively influencing the Deprived Communities, and SNAKEBITE VICTIMS


NATIONAL SNAKEBITE INITIATIVE was SEED Funded by UN-Habitat with a National Award (IYF ) at Trident Hotel MUMBAI-2013

FEATURED IN National Geographic CHANNEL

NSI &the Team, work in the domain since 2006 through their former program Green Cross India & has been featured in several international magazines & channels such as NATGEO WILD, Minutes to Die and more...


NSI works with International Pioneering Snakebite Organizations delivering their recommendation to the needy high-risk zones delivering impactful solutions with the victim prespective

National Snakebite Initiative is An UN-Habitat Recognition Award-Winning Snake & Snakebite Addressing Program


To carry the most ignored voices of the Snakebite Victim's of deprived Rural and Farmer Communities to be heard by the individuals' groups & communities of the developed national and international worlds towards taking action,

to Integrate the government, private and public sectors towards developing a standard systematic & ethical approach to Human & Snake problems, reducing and addressing Snakebite...

To Integrate the government, private and public sectors towards developing a standard systematic & ethical approach to Human & Snake problems, reducing and addressing Snakebite...


NSI's mission is to take all positive efforts to Provide Direct impactful & comprehensive solutions to the High-Risk Snakebite Communities, towards mitigating the snakebite burden at all stages & reducing snakebite death along with conserving the Ecologically vital & Culturally Important species and their environment

To Fight Snakebite at every possible level, to train the younger generation to take part and participate individually and collectively at every level contributing their potential creativity towards addressing snakebite from the victims' point of view delivering pioneers recommendations


Our mission is to empower communities individuals and companies to tackle snake and snakebite emergencies ethically, scientifically & systematically,

To deliver prompted emergency advocacy & services to the snake and snakebite emergencies,

to shore up the deprived victims their families, families of deceased victims, from the snakebite burden through direct impact rehabilitation programs livelihood supports and educational sponsorships to the child victims and victims children...

The Problem (Background of the Program) Click Here>>

SNAKEBITE - An Untold Rural Health Crisis & A Farmer Tragedy

Snakebite (SB)is a NEGLECTED TROPICAL DISEASE which is globally neglected & ignored for long

SB) is an Untold story many developed communities have never heard the term itself,

SB is a Neglected issue there are no concerns /action by the developed societies, top players & CSR's,

SB is a Silent Killer there is no media coverage & support

SB is a Farmer Disease there are no government schemes supporting farmers on this,

SB is a Rural Crisis Most of the victims are agricultural communities, farm labours, Farmers, living below marginalized with no financial backgrounds, information and resources to fight the Rural Health Crisis

Above all THE SNAKEBITE is the reason for 50000 - 80000 Rural Deaths every year in India while 125000 deaths year around the world, which has been just recognized as an NTD Neglected Tropical Disease by the W.H.O & international health organizations in 2017 and highlighted as India is the High-Risk Zone & the hotspot of snakebite deaths

The Solution (Direct Impact Frontline Programs) Click Here>>

Unique & Comprehensive Direct Impact activities Thar Enlightens & creates a positive change in the lives of the vulnerable Rural Communities, Deprived Farmers & the Suffering of the victim's families Directly

1. We Deliver Prompted Information via phone To The public during Emergencies of

H-S Conflict Directing Towards Recommended & Reliable Solution

SB accidents, towards Carefully using the Golden hours

2. We Deliver extended assistance in H-S Conflict solution (snake rescue) Which we achieve through Integration with readily available private/public animal control services

3. WE provide Advocacy for the snakebite victim & their family

a. Through Direct visit and informed about the species, impact of the bite, & the medical procedures towards reassuring them towards flow with the treatment procedures.

b. This is a crucial part and our challenge is to deliver medical recommendations for necrosis, diet procedures (commonly asked by victims) after the treatment for a long time

4. Repeated & Routine Education & Awareness for the community

Which we achieve through snake safety awareness campaigns Rural & tribal snake safety awareness campaigns Snake safety awareness seminars & Education to the schools & colleges educational units companies & factories, We deliver Repeated & Routine Snake safety awareness campaigns to the Rural & tribal communities, educational units, companies & factories,

      1. With a Plan A- which converts Awareness to Action achieved through establishing ethical Snake Safety zones within their premise,

      2. Plan B- IS to Tackle their snake emergency by themselves – achieved through Empowering their Safety officers & Security officers with ethical & Safe snake handling training & types of equipment

5. Snake safety at every premise is achieved through establishing snake safety zones

6. Empowering frontline workers to tackle snake & snakebite emergencies – by with snake safety skill training & equipment

7. Which we achieve through snake safety skill training to the forest department, fire rescue staffs, securities & safety officers of the companies & factories who in turn solve the snake & snakebite issues in their liable premise

8. Snakebite victim welfare Critical issues We provide & deliver supports directly to the SB victim, Disabled or Deceased victim’s family (spouse & children) & child Victim’s through rehabilitation programs such as alternate livelihood opportunities, educational sponsorship which is achieved through a long range of process such as

9. Epidemiological case study acquired from the victims in the first place while providing advocacy Snakebite Investigation & documentation are carried out by direct home visits to the victim’s home & bite spot to identify & crosscheck the reason for the bite & segregate accidents from inanity. To support The Victims, Monitor them & Derive the rare SB Data

10. Lack of SNAKEBITE DATA as an important issue to solve SB

As an output, we derive the snakebite victim data by collecting & organizing all the reports derived from the time of advocacy, doorstep investigation, monitoring visits & documentation finally derived as the Rare SB data shared with pioneers researchers & media to facilitate their work against SB

Note All the Victims Are in Direct Contact And personally visited and kept in direct contact for a long time which facilitates NSI in executing successful interventions prompted information, historical envenomation survey & documentation

To know more CLICK on the Image

Human-Snake Conflict Resolution

Human-Snake Conflict Resolution

Human snake conflict management Information & Advocacy on snake emergency, snake safety, snakebite & treatment to the deprived rural communities, distressed victims and their affected families, resolving human snake conflicts

Snakebite Case Study

Snakebite Case Study

NSI disseminates PROMPTED life saving, limb saving & reliable Information to snakebite victims & their families

NSI collects & records data of snakebite incidents (General & Epidemiological

Rural Snake Safety Campaigns

NSI Creates Awareness in high risk regions through diversified

Rural Snake Safety Campaigns and Outreaches:- to Educate & Create Awareness on Snakes & Snakebite myths busting Snake Safety Awareness Seminars & campaigns to educational institutions, Schools government sectors, rural communities & companies & factories

Snake Safety Officer Skill Training

NSI trains & provides skill development workshops to Forest & Fire Rescue & Animal Control Workers with ethical practices that are safe for species & human

Snake Safety Officer Skill Development Training:- Empowering the governmental forest department & fire & rescue officers Safety officers & securities of Companies, factories and local Communities to overcome Human Snake Conflicts following Standard Conservation & Safety Protocols

Snakebite Investigation

NSI investigates & documents the farmer victims to bring out the unspoken crisis to the outer developed world in support with international & pioneering advocates

Historical SB Survey

NSI monitors, supports & rehabilitates victims for a long term success l

SB documentation

Rural Envenomation Crisis Documentation:- Snakebite documentation to let the outer world know the reality of the untold farmer tragedy to support the leading organizations & media with reliable data on Envenomation victims to gain the media & public attention on the untold sorrow

Snakebite Victim Welfare Support

Snakebite Victim Rehabilitation & Support:- to Shore up the distressed victim with reliable necessary life-saving information and a piety financial support to shore up the victim/families of the diseased victims/ children of the victims' education sponsor by directing the media & supporter to them directly

NSI supports families of deceased victims with educational sponsorship.

NSI supports disfigured victims with livelihood enhancement opportunities

Interested in our Work?



Don't TRASH your Used Clothes Donate them for the FARMER VICTIMS WELFARE & SNAKEBITE CAUSE


Donate your old/used computers, Furniture give them as a contribution towards empowering the younger generation with Employment training & opportunities

We are not just working on Snakes & Snakebite JKT and our units National Snakebite Initiative & GREEN CROSS INDIA all together Go hand in Hand having much devotion to building a better world for the younger generation

  • We work towards addressing the DEPRESSION & SUICIDE IDEATION among the youth & women

  • We EMPOWER the youth and women with skill training & generate employment opportunities

  • We through GCI Train, promote the youth & homemaking married women produce safe & natural farming

Drop 1/-Rupee here


Become our

Prestigious Partner

One Rupee Everyday

Farmers are the linchpin of the world For they support all others who cannot till.

Snakebite Kills and affects 50000 and above people every year in india and most of them are farmers, farming is everything,farming is india's back bone, what ever ourprofession is what ever our country may be how rich and royal we may be we cannot ignore the farmers without them the world would die staving, above, most of us emerge from a family with farming as main occupatin decades before, If you could understand the value of farming and the importance of conserving farming for future generations by supporting the traditional farmer communities


all we ask from you is one rupee per day

If you could spend as minimum as one rupee each day as your contribution to fight the farmer crisis we could save more farmers & their families